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Sunday, February 3, 2019

I SAW HIM AT CHURCH TODAY, SUPERBOWL SUNDAY 2/3/19 He said he doesn't care who wins. "A conversation with San Francisco Giants pitcher Jeremy Affeldt - Inspiring Athletes"


Bonham: What do you believe is your responsibility as a Christian athlete?
Affeldt: My responsibility as a believer is the Great Commission—to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. Baseball is part of the world. That's going into the world. Baseball is a huge, worldly, materialistic place. It's my responsibility to go into that world and preach the Gospel. I have a platform and part of my responsibility is to use that platform that...''

Verse of the Day 2.22.25

Then He said to them,  "Follow Me, & I will make  you fishers of men."      -Matthew 4:19